Peer-Reviewed Publications
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, K. Sawyer, L. Kershek, G. Block, S. Hamilton, and R. Kolstrom. 2024. Developing a range-wide sampling framework for endangered species: a case study with light-footed Ridgway's rail. Biodiversity and Conservation 33:in press
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, C. Tisdale, K. N. Denny, A. Meyers, and P. Makela. 2023. Backpack satellite transmitters reduce survival but not nesting propensity or success of greater sage-grouse. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10820.
Stevens, B. S., S. Roberts, D. Englestead, and C. J. Conway. 2023. Effects of large-scale disturbance on animal space use: functional responses by greater sage-grouse after megafire. Ecology and Evolution 13:e9933.
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, J. Knetter, S. Roberts, and P. Donnelly. 2023. Multi-scale effects of land cover, weather, and fire on Columbian sharp-tailed grouse. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22349.
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, K. Luke, A. Weldon, C. Hand, A. Schwartzer, F. Smith, C. Watson, and B. Watts. 2022. Large-scale distribution models for optimal prediction of Eastern black rail habitat within tidal ecosystems. Global Ecology and Conservation 38:e02222.
Hardy, R. S., T. J. Ross, K. McDonnell, M. C. Quist, C. Holdermann, and B. S. Stevens. 2022. Nutrient restoration of a large, impounded, ultra-oligotrophic western river to recover declining native fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:977-993.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Mapping habitat quality and threats for Eastern black rails. Waterbirds 44:245-256.
Riley, I. P., C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens, and S. Roberts. 2021. Survival of greater sage-grouse broods: survey method affects disturbance and age-specific detection probability. Journal of Field Ornithology 92:88-102.
Riley, I. P., C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens, and S. Roberts. 2021. Aural and visual detection of greater sage-grouse leks: implications for population trend estimates. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:508-519.
Helmstetter, N. , C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens, and A. Goldberg. 2021. Balancing transferability and complexity of species distribution models for rare species conservation. Diversity and Distributions 21:95-108.
Harrity, E. J., B. S. Stevens, and C. J. Conway. 2020. Keeping up with the times: mapping range-wide habitat suitability for endangered species in a changing environment. Biological Conservation 250:e108734.
J. B. Smith, B. S. Stevens, D. W. Etter, and D. M. Williams. 2020. Performance of spatial capture-recapture models with repurposed data: assessing estimator robustness for retrospective applications. PLOS ONE 15:e0236978.
Stevens, B. S., J. R. Bence, D. R. Luukkonen, and W. F. Porter. 2020. A hierarchical framework for estimating abundance and population growth from imperfectly observed removals. Ecosphere 11:e03131.
Stevens, B. S., D. R. Luukkonen, C. A. Stewart, W. F. Porter, J. R. Bence, and M. L. Jones. 2020. Spatial-temporal dynamics of hunter effort for wild turkeys in Michigan. PLOS ONE 15:e0230747.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Mapping habitat suitability at range-wide scales: spatially-explicit distribution models to inform conservation and research for marsh birds. Conservation Science and Practice 2:e178.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Predictive multi-scale occupancy models at range-wide extents: effects of habitat and human disturbance on distributions of wetland birds. Diversity and Distributions 26:34-48.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Identifying important military installations for continental-scale conservation of marsh bird breeding habitat. Journal of Environmental Management 252:e109664.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Predicting species distributions: unifying model selection and scale optimization for multi-scale occupancy models. Ecosphere 10:e02748.
Manning, S. E., B. S. Stevens, and D. M. Williams. 2019. Simulated performance of multi-year harvest regulation cycles for wild turkeys. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1032-1042.
Stevens, B. S., J. R. Bence, W. F. Porter, and M. L. Jones. 2017. Identifying target reference points for harvesting assessment-limited wildlife populations: a case study. Ecological Applications 27:1916-1931.
Stevens, B. S., J. R. Bence, W. F. Porter, and C. J. Parent. 2017. Structural uncertainty limits generality of fall harvest strategies for wild turkeys. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:617-628.
Herbst, S. J., B. S. Stevens, D. B. Hayes, and P. A. Hanchin. 2017. Influence of movement dynamics on walleye harvest management in intermixed fisheries in a chain of lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:467-479.
Herbst, S. J., B. S. Stevens, D. B. Hayes, and P. A. Hanchin. 2016. Estimating walleye (Sander vitreus) movement and fishing mortality using state-space models: implications for management of spatially structured populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73:330–348.
Stevens, B. S., J. R. Bence, W. F. Porter, and C. J. Parent. 2016. Ecology matters: robustness and management tradeoffs for maximum harvests of wild turkeys. Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium 11:189–210.
Parent, C. J., B. S. Stevens, A. C. Bowling, and W. F. Porter. 2016. Wild turkey harvest trends across the Midwest in the 21st century. Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium 11:211–223.
Watkins, C. J., B. S. Stevens, M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2015. Patterns of fish assemblage structure and habitat use among main- and side-channel environments in the lower Kootenai River, Idaho. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:1340–1355.
Stevens, B. S., and B. Dennis. 2013. Wildlife mortality from infrastructure collisions: statistical modeling of count data from carcass surveys. Ecology 94:2087–2096.
Stevens, B. S., D. Naugle, B. Dennis, J. W. Connelly, T. Griffiths, and K. P. Reese. 2013. Mapping sage-grouse fence collision risk: spatially explicit models to target conservation implementation. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:409–415.
Stevens, B. S., J. W. Connelly, and K. P. Reese. 2012. Multi-scale assessment of greater sage-grouse fence collision risk as a function of site and broad scale factors. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1370–1380.
Stevens, B. S., K. P. Reese, J. W. Connelly, and D. D. Musil. 2012. Greater sage-grouse and fences: does marking reduce collisions? Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:297–303.
Stevens, B. S., K. P. Reese, and J. W. Connelly. 2011. Survival and detectability bias of avian fence collision surveys in sagebrush steppe. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:437–449.
Stevens, B. S., and J. M. DuPont. 2011. Summer use of side-channel thermal refugia by salmonids in the North Fork Coeur d’Alene River, Idaho. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:683–692.
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, C. Tisdale, K. N. Denny, A. Meyers, and P. Makela. 2023. Backpack satellite transmitters reduce survival but not nesting propensity or success of greater sage-grouse. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10820.
Stevens, B. S., S. Roberts, D. Englestead, and C. J. Conway. 2023. Effects of large-scale disturbance on animal space use: functional responses by greater sage-grouse after megafire. Ecology and Evolution 13:e9933.
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, J. Knetter, S. Roberts, and P. Donnelly. 2023. Multi-scale effects of land cover, weather, and fire on Columbian sharp-tailed grouse. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22349.
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, K. Luke, A. Weldon, C. Hand, A. Schwartzer, F. Smith, C. Watson, and B. Watts. 2022. Large-scale distribution models for optimal prediction of Eastern black rail habitat within tidal ecosystems. Global Ecology and Conservation 38:e02222.
Hardy, R. S., T. J. Ross, K. McDonnell, M. C. Quist, C. Holdermann, and B. S. Stevens. 2022. Nutrient restoration of a large, impounded, ultra-oligotrophic western river to recover declining native fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:977-993.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Mapping habitat quality and threats for Eastern black rails. Waterbirds 44:245-256.
Riley, I. P., C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens, and S. Roberts. 2021. Survival of greater sage-grouse broods: survey method affects disturbance and age-specific detection probability. Journal of Field Ornithology 92:88-102.
Riley, I. P., C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens, and S. Roberts. 2021. Aural and visual detection of greater sage-grouse leks: implications for population trend estimates. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:508-519.
Helmstetter, N. , C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens, and A. Goldberg. 2021. Balancing transferability and complexity of species distribution models for rare species conservation. Diversity and Distributions 21:95-108.
Harrity, E. J., B. S. Stevens, and C. J. Conway. 2020. Keeping up with the times: mapping range-wide habitat suitability for endangered species in a changing environment. Biological Conservation 250:e108734.
J. B. Smith, B. S. Stevens, D. W. Etter, and D. M. Williams. 2020. Performance of spatial capture-recapture models with repurposed data: assessing estimator robustness for retrospective applications. PLOS ONE 15:e0236978.
Stevens, B. S., J. R. Bence, D. R. Luukkonen, and W. F. Porter. 2020. A hierarchical framework for estimating abundance and population growth from imperfectly observed removals. Ecosphere 11:e03131.
Stevens, B. S., D. R. Luukkonen, C. A. Stewart, W. F. Porter, J. R. Bence, and M. L. Jones. 2020. Spatial-temporal dynamics of hunter effort for wild turkeys in Michigan. PLOS ONE 15:e0230747.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Mapping habitat suitability at range-wide scales: spatially-explicit distribution models to inform conservation and research for marsh birds. Conservation Science and Practice 2:e178.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Predictive multi-scale occupancy models at range-wide extents: effects of habitat and human disturbance on distributions of wetland birds. Diversity and Distributions 26:34-48.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Identifying important military installations for continental-scale conservation of marsh bird breeding habitat. Journal of Environmental Management 252:e109664.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Predicting species distributions: unifying model selection and scale optimization for multi-scale occupancy models. Ecosphere 10:e02748.
Manning, S. E., B. S. Stevens, and D. M. Williams. 2019. Simulated performance of multi-year harvest regulation cycles for wild turkeys. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1032-1042.
Stevens, B. S., J. R. Bence, W. F. Porter, and M. L. Jones. 2017. Identifying target reference points for harvesting assessment-limited wildlife populations: a case study. Ecological Applications 27:1916-1931.
Stevens, B. S., J. R. Bence, W. F. Porter, and C. J. Parent. 2017. Structural uncertainty limits generality of fall harvest strategies for wild turkeys. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:617-628.
Herbst, S. J., B. S. Stevens, D. B. Hayes, and P. A. Hanchin. 2017. Influence of movement dynamics on walleye harvest management in intermixed fisheries in a chain of lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:467-479.
Herbst, S. J., B. S. Stevens, D. B. Hayes, and P. A. Hanchin. 2016. Estimating walleye (Sander vitreus) movement and fishing mortality using state-space models: implications for management of spatially structured populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73:330–348.
Stevens, B. S., J. R. Bence, W. F. Porter, and C. J. Parent. 2016. Ecology matters: robustness and management tradeoffs for maximum harvests of wild turkeys. Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium 11:189–210.
Parent, C. J., B. S. Stevens, A. C. Bowling, and W. F. Porter. 2016. Wild turkey harvest trends across the Midwest in the 21st century. Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium 11:211–223.
Watkins, C. J., B. S. Stevens, M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2015. Patterns of fish assemblage structure and habitat use among main- and side-channel environments in the lower Kootenai River, Idaho. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:1340–1355.
Stevens, B. S., and B. Dennis. 2013. Wildlife mortality from infrastructure collisions: statistical modeling of count data from carcass surveys. Ecology 94:2087–2096.
Stevens, B. S., D. Naugle, B. Dennis, J. W. Connelly, T. Griffiths, and K. P. Reese. 2013. Mapping sage-grouse fence collision risk: spatially explicit models to target conservation implementation. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:409–415.
Stevens, B. S., J. W. Connelly, and K. P. Reese. 2012. Multi-scale assessment of greater sage-grouse fence collision risk as a function of site and broad scale factors. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1370–1380.
Stevens, B. S., K. P. Reese, J. W. Connelly, and D. D. Musil. 2012. Greater sage-grouse and fences: does marking reduce collisions? Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:297–303.
Stevens, B. S., K. P. Reese, and J. W. Connelly. 2011. Survival and detectability bias of avian fence collision surveys in sagebrush steppe. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:437–449.
Stevens, B. S., and J. M. DuPont. 2011. Summer use of side-channel thermal refugia by salmonids in the North Fork Coeur d’Alene River, Idaho. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:683–692.
Manuscripts in Progress
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, S. Roberts, and D. Englestead. Under Review. Fitness consequences of high-severity megafire are mitigated by behavioral responses of an iconic bird. Target: Fire Ecology.
Stevens, B. S., M. J. Wisdom, D. Clark, M. Rowland, and J. Hafer. In Preparation. Decomposing spatial components of predation risk: what can kill sites tell us? Target: Journal of Applied Ecology.
Stevens B. S., and C. J. Parent. In Preparation. Dynamic hierarchical removal models for assessing nonstationary harvested animal populations. Target: Ecological Modelling.
Stevens, B. S., M. J. Wisdom, D. Clark, M. Rowland, and J. Hafer. In Preparation. Decomposing spatial components of predation risk: what can kill sites tell us? Target: Journal of Applied Ecology.
Stevens B. S., and C. J. Parent. In Preparation. Dynamic hierarchical removal models for assessing nonstationary harvested animal populations. Target: Ecological Modelling.
Additional Technical Publications
Stevens, B.S., and C.J. Parent. 2023. Development of Hierarchical Removal Models to Estimate Abundance and Population Growth for White-tailed deer in North Dakota. Report for North Dakota Game and Fish Department. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B.S., and C.J. Conway. 2021. Predicting Eastern Black Rail Habitat within Tidal Ecosystems of the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture Region. Report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Idaho Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Assessing the Importance of wetlands on Department of Defense installations for the persistence of wetland-dependent birds in North America. Report for DoD Legacy Project #W9132T-12-2-0026. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2018. National habitat suitability for long-term persistence for marsh birds in the United States. Report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Using GAP data to predict range-wide habitat suitability and assess threats to long-term persistence of marsh birds in the U. S. Report for U.S.G.S. National GAP Program. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2017. Assessing the importance of wetland habitats on department of defense installations for the occurrence of marsh birds. Report for DoD Legacy Project #12-610. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., W. F. Porter, J. R. Bence, M. L. Jones, and D. R. Luukkonen. 2017. Population dynamics and management of wild turkeys in Michigan: linking monitoring, assessment, and harvest-policy evaluation. Report for Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division Project #1.26, Lansing, Michigan.
Stevens, B. S. 2016. Structural uncertainty and the management of modern wild turkey harvests. Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
Stevens, B. S. 2012. Wildlife mortality from infrastructure collisions: statistical modeling of count data from carcass surveys. M.S. Thesis, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S. 2011. Impacts of fences on greater sage-grouse in Idaho: collision, mitigation, and spatial ecology. M.S. Thesis, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., K. P. Reese, and J. W. Connelly. 2009. Estimating greater sage-grouse fence collision rates in breeding areas: preliminary results. Grouse News Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC-WPA Galliformes Specialist Group 38:24–29.
Stevens, B. S., and J. DuPont. 2007. Summer use of side channel habitat by fishes in the North Fork Coeur d’Alene River, Idaho. Panhandle Region Fisheries Management Report, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
Stevens, B.S., and C.J. Conway. 2021. Predicting Eastern Black Rail Habitat within Tidal Ecosystems of the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture Region. Report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Idaho Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Assessing the Importance of wetlands on Department of Defense installations for the persistence of wetland-dependent birds in North America. Report for DoD Legacy Project #W9132T-12-2-0026. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2018. National habitat suitability for long-term persistence for marsh birds in the United States. Report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Using GAP data to predict range-wide habitat suitability and assess threats to long-term persistence of marsh birds in the U. S. Report for U.S.G.S. National GAP Program. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2017. Assessing the importance of wetland habitats on department of defense installations for the occurrence of marsh birds. Report for DoD Legacy Project #12-610. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., W. F. Porter, J. R. Bence, M. L. Jones, and D. R. Luukkonen. 2017. Population dynamics and management of wild turkeys in Michigan: linking monitoring, assessment, and harvest-policy evaluation. Report for Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division Project #1.26, Lansing, Michigan.
Stevens, B. S. 2016. Structural uncertainty and the management of modern wild turkey harvests. Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
Stevens, B. S. 2012. Wildlife mortality from infrastructure collisions: statistical modeling of count data from carcass surveys. M.S. Thesis, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S. 2011. Impacts of fences on greater sage-grouse in Idaho: collision, mitigation, and spatial ecology. M.S. Thesis, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
Stevens, B. S., K. P. Reese, and J. W. Connelly. 2009. Estimating greater sage-grouse fence collision rates in breeding areas: preliminary results. Grouse News Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC-WPA Galliformes Specialist Group 38:24–29.
Stevens, B. S., and J. DuPont. 2007. Summer use of side channel habitat by fishes in the North Fork Coeur d’Alene River, Idaho. Panhandle Region Fisheries Management Report, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.